Joyfully Growing Together
Whether we are sharing meals together, reading the same book, engaging in worship and bible studies, we do so with open hearts and laughter. Come join us.
Community Café
Community Circle
Sundays, 9:00am in Casey Hall
Join us on Sundays for a time of fellowship and exploration. We warmly invite you to journey with us for what promises to be a very rich opportunity for spiritual growth and new relationships. Childcare will be available. All are very welcome.
Thursday Book Group
10am Thursdays
Allen House Dining Room
The Thursday Book Group, which meets every Thursday at 10AM in the dining room in Allen House, started a new book on November 16th, 2023 entitled One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp. All are welcome.
Thanks to all who joined us on Sunday, Sept. 24 for our annual “Pignic” on the grounds of Allen House. Many thanks to Birdie and friends who cheffed up amazing barbecue on the famous MOAB (Mother of All Barbecues) and to everyone who brought yummy dishes and libations to share.
Annual “Pignic”
Community Brunch
Pentecost Community Brunch from our friends at Caffeinated Cow took place on Pentecost Sunday, May 28 at 11:15am in the courtyard after the 10:00 service.
Easter Community Brunch
Thank you to all who joined us for Community Brunch in the courtyard on Easter Sunday, April 9 following the 10am service. We enjoyed breakfast burritos, freshly baked pastries and fresh fruit from our neighborhood friends at Caffeinated Cow.
Colorado Springs Youth Symphony
Jeri Jorgensen and members of the CSYA chamber orchestra, Jocelyn Kelly and Julia Calcagno on violin, Ezra Song on viola, and Noah Song on cello, joined us for Community Circle on April 30 at 8:45 am in Casey Hall (Allen House) to perform and talk about Colorado Springs Youth Symphony and upcoming concerts at Chapel of Our Saviour. Afterwards, the Youth Symphony performed for the 10:00 service in the nave. It was a beautiful performance, and we are grateful to them for sharing their gift of music with us.
Thank you to all who performed and joined us on July 11, 14, 18, and 21 for Manitou Chamber Music Festival in the nave at Chapel of Our Saviour.